Illustration: Zoé Fusée ©
Exciting news: our most challenging show to date premieres this weekend on Radio-Canada.
Zoé Fusée (Sphere Media, Radio-Canada, TFO) is the French version of the TVO kids’ animation show Riley Rocket. The show follows the adventures of the kid rock band Megaboum, who also happen to be superheroes.
Power of Babel dubbed 30 x 11′ episodes, each with an original song sung by actual kids : Emma Bao Linh as Zoé (guitar), Dylane C. Henry as Théo (bass keytar), Mateo Paduano Lupien as Alex (drums) and Oscar Vallaincourt as not one but two regular guest-star villains. Two of the kids had virtually no dubbing experience when they started, and they not only managed to create their characters in French (with lip sync), but to perform 30 songs. (“30___ing songs!” as Dave Grohl would say.)
It was a massive undertaking, and next to the kids, the biggest thanks goes to the amazing voice director Simon D. Scott, who used all of his directing and musical powers to get strong performances out of the 11- to 13-year-olds (and the adults too, including Stéphanie Broschart as rock band manager Tante Jenny), and Simon’s Ginger Wave partner Valérie Boudreault, who cast the kids.
Caroll Cafardy adapted the scripts, including (did I mention?) 30 songs.
Chris Leon (in Montreal) and Neil McDonald (in Toronto) recorded, and Animation Audio legend Glenn Barna mixed the show.
And I would entirely remiss if I didn’t mention Chantale Renee, who started with us when the dubbing was already in production, took over the project management and ran it like a well-oiled machine for the next sixth months. If not for Chantale, our heads would have exploded. (That would have been a job for Megaboum!).
Onward to new adventures!